20+ U.S. Green Banks

Currently, the US has more than 20 Green Banks across the country, with more in development, and since 2011 their collective existence has mobilized $14 billion in clean energy investment. Use this interactive map to see each state’s climate progress and click on the green bank state to learn more! Please note that viewing the map on a laptop will provide the best experience!

Last Updated May 2023


In recent years, the Green Bank Movement has gained traction, however, this approach to climate financing is not new. The green bank movement originated in 2008 with the Waxman-Markey bill, The Green Bank Act of 2008, and although federal efforts to create a National Green Bank have failed in the past, state and local expansion have not.

This flexible approach to climate financing is changing the way we pay for the green transition. By removing market barriers and filling gaps, many states and cities across the country have been able to facilitate their transition away from fossil fuels toward clean energy.

Find out how your state can do the same!