The Green Bank Movement is an interactive, everything-you-need-to-know Green Bank database to help you understand what Green Banks are and how they can help us build a greener future TOGETHER.
Meet Daniela
A jack-of-all-trades, real-world problem solver whose new mission is to find a good way to pay for our planet’s problems. Daniela's journey into politics started at a young age when she and her parents immigrated to the US from post-communist Romania for a bigger and brighter future. Her background influenced her to pursue a career in public policy and shaped her desire to remove the challenges that prevented her parents and people like them to be successful.
Her ability to understand the nuances and contextual needs of any problem, supported by her resiliency to conquer any-and-all obstacles, has made her an unstoppable force and a well-sought-out strategist.
Daniela’s tenacious desire to absorb new information and empower people to achieve bigger and better outcomes encouraged her decision to attain a Master of Public Policy while growing her business. But it wasn’t until graduate school that she answered her call to action to join the fight against climate change. This is how she found out about green banks.
The more she learned about the climate crisis, the more she realized that the US can’t afford the solutions needed to rapidly reduce emissions and adapt to a changing climate. This is why she created The Green Bank Movement to help fill the large knowledge gap around an innovative policy tool determined to remove barriers and accelerate the clean energy transition everywhere.
Daniela has a deep understanding of green banks and their role in financing clean energy projects, and she hopes that this interactive database will inspire policymakers looking to start their own green financing initiatives, overcome implementation obstacles, or reduce political resistance around climate policy, but also empower every-day people with the information they need to adapt to a greener future.
In a world where good policy solutions are obstructed by political conditions and value-based politics, Daniela is unafraid to demonstrate leadership and execute a vision backed by cutting-edge research. Her approach to advocacy and passion for social justice drives her to find innovative solutions that benefit both people and the planet. She's not just a climate activist, she's a real-world problem solver, and her mission is to make the future accessible for everyone.
Founder of D & N Strategy
Green Bank Expert & Political Strategist
About The Database
To produce the GreenBankMovement.Org, two years of research went into the data collection and verification process.
Data was collected for all 50 states and grouped into the following variables: green bank established, green bank pending, action is taken to establish, exploring, or none of the above.
For states that have established green banks or operations pending, data was collected for the following variables: The number of green banks present, model, scope, year established, implementation process, and institution type, the initial funding mechanism, state politics during establishment, bank goals, products & portfolio, project focus, deployment approach annual reporting, and case studies.
To assess the green bank’s approach to external communication, data was collected on the following eight digital platforms: Blog, Email, Phone Number, HQ, Twitter, Facebook Linkedin, Instagram, Tik Tok, and Youtube. Measures were not created to evaluate the effectiveness of each incorporated platform.
To gain insight into the state's attitude on climate and the availability of capital for states that are exploring, took action to establish or none of the above, data was collected for the following variables: the 2023 state-level partisan landscape, the number of capital states have allocated toward extreme weather disasters between 2010-2020, and whether climate plans or carbon-reducing goals have been established.
If you’re interested in accessing the full-raw database, contact Daniela for further inquiry.
Is your organization or campaign looking to build a climate financing platform, but don't know where to start?
Email Daniela, she has a variety of tools and tactics that can help you reach your climate goals.