Every Green Bank is DIFFERENT!

Each green bank is different because the frequency and magnitude of transition barriers vary by region, which means each state might have to take a different approach to get to a 100% clean energy economy.  

Whether it’s public regulations or private markets, the current systems and structures in place disincentivize clean energy adoption at scale. This is why green banks will conduct a market assessment to identify gaps and develop a plan to fill them. This influences the projects and products a green bank prioritizes, as well as the method used to accelerate adoption.

Consider New York, they have a publicly state-operated Green Bank that primarily focuses on clean energy deployment in commercial buildings which is a stark difference compared to Florida and New Orleans. Florida’s Green Bank SELF, supports home improvements, whereas Finance New Orleans specializes in sustainable housing and resiliency. However, while each green bank’s project focus varies, they depend on their partnership approach to adoption.


Use this table to compare green bank projects and approaches to green deployment. SWIPE RIGHT!